To understand what kind of traveler you are, you need to go on a journey of self-discovery in an effort to find an itinerary to best match your personal preferences. Before you start planning your next major trip, considering these factors will help you to determine the best vacation destination and plan. Here are a few things to consider before planning your next trip:

Busy or Peaceful

 Some people prefer an active vacation where every moment is planned while others prefer a more relaxed trip allowing for maximum spontaneity. Knowing your vacationing style can help you plan the ideal trip to meet your needs. If you are looking for peaceful and relaxing, you would be wise to plan a trip to the beach or a secluded mountain cabin. If non-stop action is what you crave, then it would be best to consider a big city trip or theme park visit. Being aware of your energy limits and preferences will help you to decide which route to take.

Great Outdoors or Bustling Streets

 Related to the last point is the issue of finding your location sweet spot. If the thought of roughing it in the wilderness for a week is not your cup of tea, then you would be advised to look for something with a little more creature comforts. On the other hand, if the high energy of a city vacation drains your spirit before you even step out of the airport, then a week away camping might be just what you need to recharge your batteries. Practice visualizing yourself in a variety of vacation scenarios to determine which one gives you the most joy to fantasize about. That one is probably your answer.

Body or Mind

The central question to determine this trait is whether you would rather exercise your body or your mind? If trekking through the Andes gives you a rush to just think about, then you probably want to consider a physically demanding trip that will stretch your body to its limits. If experiencing the history and the culture of a new destination is what gets your juices flowing, then it would be in your best interest to look for itineraries that will exercise your brain and feed your soul.