Whether traveling alone to enjoy the peace and quiet that a new environment offers or traveling with the family to spend quality time together, there are a few trends of 2019 to look for in the world of travel.

Many companies that sell homewares are opening hotels for travelers. While staying at the hotel, guests can see some of the products that the company sells, purchasing these items before going home or getting more information to make a purchase later.

Learning Experience

Instead of staying in hotels, a trend for families is the nomadic way of life while traveling. Children can learn about what it’s like to be one with nature as the family explores areas that are located off the beaten path. Many families are turning traveling into an educational trip, keeping the children out of school so that they can learn through experience.


Although traveling in a group isn’t anything new, it appears to be a trend in 2019 that will occur more often. Sharing a large home while traveling is a way for everyone to save money and offers a comfortable setting for guests instead of staying in a hotel room. There are homes for rent that are large enough for groups of travelers in numerous cities, making it easier for the group to find a location that is fun to visit and relax.

Dark Travel

Dark travel is a trend for 2019. There are more tourists who are exploring amusement parks that have been closed for years or places that have a dark place in history, such as Chernobyl. Traveling alone is a trend for the year as well. Many people who take solo trips participate in walking excursions in locations that include Vietnam and Cambodia.

Travelers will likely take the time to enjoy their surroundings this year. It’s a time when people can put aside their differences and begin to enjoy nature once again instead of taking a vacation that is full of hustle and bustle, making it feel like the trip wasn’t a vacation at all.

Weekend trips will be something to look for in 2019 as more people plan to get away from home for even a few days to enjoy spending time with family and friends. Technology looks to be taking over the world of travel as well. From apps that track luggage in real time to using a phone for keyless entry to a hotel room, travelers will begin using more technology when they leave home.