Travel is not what it used to be. Because of the fast and easy access to the internet, travelers can use it to book their flights, find hotels, reserve tables at restaurants, and navigate through unfamiliar places. These changes are just the beginning of what travel will be like in the future starting today.

The changes that are pending for traveling are something that sounds like they have been inspired out of a sci-fi movie. Using AI and virtual reality will be the new ways of booking a flight and preparing everything beforehand. Although there are is not enough market and technology advancement for it quite yet, it is quickly preparing the ground to become part of the massive travel experience.

Those that already have a Virtual Reality headset on the phone can use it to preview places that are to be visited. For example, the German airline company Lufthansa has several VR 360-degree videos of different destinations that could be viewed through their YouTube channel. Besides this, the airline offers local events that can allure clients to use their services.

There are companies that are working on integrating virtual reality into the process of choosing flights and accommodation on the plane. The clients of various airlines will have the option of taking a virtual tour of a potential visiting destination. Once they are sure where they will go, the option can be chosen with a connected pair of gloves directly through the images of the VR headset.

The Amazon Alexa voice recognition can be used to choose and book a travel as well. Saying the name of the destination will search all the options for booking.

While AI is used even today in travel planning and booking, in the future it will play an even greater role in tailoring the individual travel experience. AI will be used to find cheap flights and book the best seats on the plane. For those that want to travel during the quiet periods, the quietest travel options will be revealed on the screen in real time.

AR is also another part of future travel. Even now, the language apps are constantly being improved to instantly recognize speech and language and translate it. Holding the phone up to a building or an artifact in a museum gives them the chance to see it with greater detail and with information about what it is, what is inside, and the history of it thanks to AR.